Double Tap

To make absolutely sure of something you double tap.

(2016, 60mins)

Double Tap is about guns, their effect on games and how that changes us (and the world). It’s a challenging piece that requires the audience to reflect on the games they play and create. Are games really fixated with firearms? Is that a problem? Why is the double tap important? And why did lying face down in a bush make me feel the most human I’ve ever felt inside a digital world?

From the first reading of Double Tap @ Nordic Game 2016 (image courtesy Sebastian Bularca)

From the first reading of Double Tap @ Nordic Game 2016 (image courtesy Sebastian Bularca)

Double Tap was my lead talk in 2016-17, culminating in a performance at GDC in San Francisco. Like 2014’s Killing The Games Industry it gets the audience talking and stays with them long after the final slide. If you want a call to arms (or the opposite) at your college, conference or event we should talk too. Get in touch.

Unsure? Read some tweets about Double Tap.

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